Have you seen the commercial running on TV for this film. Probably one of the creepiest moments this year is when Liv Tyler asks that creep in the mask "why are you doing this to us?" and the creep answers "because you were home.".
I love it.
If you haven't seen the trailer yet, find it and watch it. I haven't seen this film yet but I'm getting a real good vibe about it.
Anyway, I've got a cool little contest for you and if you win then you get that one sheet you see there on the right and it's autographed to boot.
I also have two posters that are unsigned, so we'll hand out all three.
Can't beat that right?
Just send me your name and mailing info here and you'll be in. I'll choose the winners the day the film opens on May 30th. The winner will be notified by email. Make sure to send me your complete mailing info, including zip code or your entry will be tossed.
Good luck to you and make sure to check out THE STRANGERS on May 30th.

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